

Feeling  (歌詞)

Feelings, nothing more than feelings
Trying to forget my feeling of love
Teardrops, rolling down on my face
Trying to forget my feelings of love
Feelings, for all my life I'll feel it
I wish I'd never met you girl
You'll never come again
Feelings, wo wo wo, feelings, wo wo wo, feelings
Again in my arms
Feelings, feelings like I've never lost you
And feelings like I'll never have you again in my heart
Feelings for all my life I'll feel it
I wish I'd never met you girl
You'll never come again

Feelings, feelings like I've never lost you
And feelings like I'll never have you again in my life

Feelings, wo wo wo, feelings, wo wo wo, feelings
Again in my arms

Feelings, wo wo wo, feelings, wo wo wo, feelings

    創作者 小敏老師 的頭像


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